The Q letter

In this article, you are going to see quite quirky and not frequently heard info.
But are you ready to discover something new?

Why is Q considered as one of the most mysterious letters?

  • It is very, very rarely can be found in the words of the English language. It is second in rarity (the first is "z").
  • Most often q is adjacent to the letter u. Moreover, almost all the words where q appears without her "best friend" are borrowed from other languages (Arabic, Chinese).
  • Another strange fact about q - it is the only letter that does not occur in any of the names of US states.
  • This letter has many variants of typographic spelling. Sometimes the "tail" of a capital letter is drawn under the O in the form of a horizontal wave, in the lowercase letter closes the "tail" in another uneven circle under the main circle.

Quite a joke but idioms

queer as a three-dollar bill
to be very strange
quick on the draw
to be able to respond to something quickly, to be quick to draw a gun and shoot
quiet as a mouse
very quiet, shy and silent

Q letter in the Internet
In Internet correspondence, the word "question" is usually abbreviated to Q. And ee can also use the combination 10Q, which means "thank you". There is another unusual and sometimes unpleasant phenomenon associated with the lowercase letter q. It is sometimes deliberately written instead of g. The author wants to stand out among others in this way, to show his individuality. But in fact, only causes dissatisfaction with the interlocutor. By the way, in English, there is even an expression mind your Ps and Qs. It is a piece of advice for elementary school students – remember your Ps and Qs ("do not forget about good writing manners"), which is given to children so that they do not get confused in writing the letters q and p.

A song for you

'' The use of songs creates a psychologically favourable climate in the classroom. The techniques of working with songs are combined with other techniques and make the lesson easy, interesting and memorable, creating an effect of novelty. Any song-based material is easier and faster to remember, stronger and stored in the long-term memory of students. ''

  • Belyaeva E. I.,  Assistant of the Department of English Language, Translation Faculty, Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University, Nizhny Novgorod.

P. S. This song is simple and is better for children but you can use every song you like for the same thing. 

The Letter Q Song

The author: Alina Garina 11 ES

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